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Balancing and Juicing Your Way to Health

My Friday Five. Five things I've been implementing and exploring this week.

Health idea I've implemented: Juicing

A few weeks ago I blogged about I Love Juice Bar. I was drinking it everyday until two weeks ago I remembered my Omega Juicer. I bought mine in the 90s and used it for a decade. I packed it up when I went to Australia and it stayed in a box at my parents until I moved near them in 2011. I had read about concerns of juicing and not getting the fiber and started blending everything in my Vitamix Blender. I read this summer that juicing can help you absorb the nutrients better if the fiber isn't included. So...I started juicing again. My Omega Juicer is still a champ and very easy to clean. I feel more energy and have less fatigue since juicing my own fruits and veggies. I Love Juice is still a fav in a pinch, but everyday I say "I love this juicer!".

Product I'm re-discovering: Wii and Wii Fit

Wii and Wii Fit are other fun things that have been hiding out in my parents house. I pulled them out last week and I forgot how much fun I have playing the games. I am a huge proponent of the importance of balance to longevity. It's challenging and satisfies my internal competitiveness with myself. The added bonus is that I laugh every night we play.

Quote I'm meditating: Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. - Thich Nhat Hanh

Podcast I'm listening to: Tim Ferriss Q&A Podcast: On Wealth, Legacy, Grief, Lyme Disease, Gratitude, Longevity, and More

I'm training myself to start listening to podcasts. I prefer to read or watch, but I'm missing out on some great information by not listening to them. Tim Ferris, author of the 4-Hour Work Week, took Q&A from his supporters and broke them up into a couple of episodes. The title of this one caught my attention. Forgive the first six minutes of ads and chatter. Tim tried to run his podcast through a fan supported model. He reverted back to the ad based style. He talks about his experiment here. He covers some topics that don't pertain to me, but I still appreciate his insights and suggestions. I can see using that information to help others.

Music I'm listening to: California Dreamin' by The Mamas and The Papas

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