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Happy New Year!!

My Friday Five is changing...

It's been over a year since I started My Friday Five blog. I have truly enjoyed getting connected to music, books, healthy ideas and quotes again. I had some exciting, surprising and interesting twists and turns to the second half of 2019. Those twists and turns have thrown me in a "new" direction. It's not really a new direction at all. It a return to my first love of motivational speaking and writing about finding joy.

I will continue with regular hours at my acupuncture clinic and continue to offer computerized spinal alignments and hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Let's be honest, I will always be a healer. I will share any new product, book, idea or quote that I comes along my path here in the blog. I'm always open to your ideas and suggestions on how to live healthier and happier. Please share them at

Thank you beyond words for being on this journey with me and as the new blog about joy develops I'll be sure to let you know. It's a new decade and finally time to find your dreams and passions and follow them.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

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