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Fall cleansing, Aerolatte, and more...

Updated: Nov 5, 2018

My Friday Five. The five things I've been pondering and exploring this week.

Health concept I'm pondering: Ayurvedic Fall Cleansing

I have had several patients asking me about doing a cleanse at the beginning of Spring and Fall. I haven't thought about cleansing in many years, but hearing the question repeated so many times made me get interested in the concept again. I recently came across this 2015 Ayurvedic Fall Cleansing article in #yogajournal. I think it's more important to eat foods that are good for you 90% of the time, but if you need a quick push to get you started I like these gentle and easy suggestions.

Product I'm exploring: Aerolatte

I often mix herbs or powder into my coffee and the Aerolatte is quick and easy and lasts forever. Next week I'll tell you what herbs I've been adding to my coffee. (In case you were wondering, I don't make money on recommendations.) #mixitup

Quote I'm meditating:

"Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting."

Joyce Meyer #quotestoliveby

Book I'm skimming: Four Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss

I picked up this book years after following his blog for years. He uses his body as the laboratory and experiments with supplements, exercise and eating. I like the idea of the least amount of effort with the greatest results. If I could see myself doing squats and wall pushups before every meal and consuming supplements on a regimented schedule I believe I'd see similar results. #timferris

Music I'm listening to: Moses Code by Wayne Dyer, I AM Wishes Fulfilled

I got a new phone and for some reason it only downloaded five songs from my entire list of songs. I didn't know this when I set out on a road trip and those five songs are now embedded in my brain. When I first heard this 30-minute meditation it made me restless, but I stuck with it because Wayne Dyer kept saying at the beginning of the meditations how powerful the sounds are. I'm still not in love with the sounds, but I believe in the power of music. #waynedyer

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