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Performance at vegan speed

My Friday Five. Five things I've been implementing and exploring this week.

Health idea I've implemented: Reiki

While in Oriental Medicine School we learned a style of Reiki called Medical Qi Gong. I pretty much thought it was a waste of time. I didn't see how waving my hands over someone was going to heal them. I hadn't yet learned we are all energetic beings and that energy has the power to transform. We had to treat 100 hours of patients using Medical Qi Gong to graduate. I can still remember my first patient coming to me with a severe sore throat. I came to the realization that she had paid money and I needed to conjure up every ounce of belief and knowledge I had to help her. Without placing my hands on her we cleared her sore throat. I couldn't believe it and I've been a patient and practitioner ever since. Most good Reiki Masters are difficult to get in for an appointment and are often booked for months out.

Product I'm discovering: UV Blocking Contact Lenses by Acuvue

I've been wearing contact lenses since I was two and a half. I confirmed this fact with my parents because it seems so young. I wear sunglasses when I'm driving, but I don't like wearing them without a brimmed hat on. If I don't have a brim all I see is the reflection of my eyes when I look around. Acuvue has finally made the UV protective lenses for astigmatism and I jut bought my first box. Other than having trouble figuring out which way to put in the astigmatism lens I can't tell a difference from the non-UV lens.

Quote I'm meditating: Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Søren Kierkegaard

Documentary I'm watching: The Game Changers on Netflix

I have been mostly vegetarian my whole life. I don't like meat. I have never liked meat. I even spit it out at my parents as a baby (another fact I confirmed with my parents). I am constantly bombarded with pressure to consume meat. At times I have fallen prey to the fear. I have at times consumed less grains and eaten more meat. I never feel better, more energized or stronger. The Game Changer is a documentary that reinforces my belief the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle is right for me. It's probably right for more people than want to admit it. We are bombarded with advertisements and articles creating fear that we need meat to survive and to grow big and strong. The Game Changer follows several vegan body builders, NFL football players, Olympic athletes and more. They all report feeling more energy, quicker recovery and longer stamina after switching to a vegan diet. The film was released last week and there is already a ridiculous amount of fear controversy about what was reported. If you're interested in the rebuttal to the critiques click here.

Music I'm listening to: Harvest Moon by Neil Young

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