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Unwind your fascia and making life worth living

My Friday Five.

Five things I've been implementing and exploring this week.

Health idea I've implemented: Organic Frozen Veggies

I don't always have time to cook healthy meals and I'm still waiting for a healthy chef to show up on my doorstep to beg me to let them make my meals. Since I get lazy and hungry my go to fast foods are I Love Juice Bar, Torchy's Tacos, Village Burger Bar and Silver Thai. When I'm in my groove and get to the store I like to have foods prepped to make a healthy bowl. I have beans, grains, veggies and herbs at the ready to mix and match. Since I have a happily busy life I often found rotting veggies in my fridge. I never got around to eating them or I was saving them for some reason. I looked into how healthy frozen veggies are and found them to possibly have more nutrients than fresh due to transit times and season. I read the apple you're buying today maybe up to a year old!

Product I'm discovering: Fascia Blaster by Ashley Black

It took me over a year to invest in a couple Fascia Blaster devices. I am not consistent using it, but I wish I were. When I use it I have less cellulite and my body feels better. I blast half my body one day and the other half the next. I usually get bruises the first few times I use it because I really get at it. After the bruises go away my skin is smoother and my muscles feel looser. A patient and I agree we should open a spa that Fascia Blasts people.

Quote I'm meditating: No one ever finds life worth living - one has to make it worth living. - Winston Churchill

Article I'm reading: Fascia the Truth! by Marissa Gainsburg for Men's Health

It seems there is more and more talk about fascia, releasing the fascia and foam rolling. I feel Fascia the Truth makes easy understanding of the importance of taking care of your body and fascia. It take more than foam rolling and you should move every joint to its fullest range of motion every day. You know the saying "if you don't use it, you lose it". The same is true for your body. Dance, walk, stretch, roll, and move!

Music I'm listening to: Every single song in my ITunes!

As you know for years I've only had five songs on ITunes on my phone. The other day I was wiping an ancient Mackbook Pro and had to deauthorize ITunes. All my music was on this computer and not the cloud. I keep listening to a couple lines of a song and then flipping to another one and then another. I'm not kidding, I feel excited on the inside! I am reunited with my music and it feels so good!

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