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Visualize yourself there...then take a selfie

My Friday Five. Five things I've been implementing and exploring this week.

Health idea I've implemented: Meditation and Visualization

I've mediated and visualized for years. For some reason I need to be repeatedly reminded of its power. I used a stop watch and my imagination daily when I swam in college to picture the perfect race. As an adult I discovered that while I couldn't practice the guitar at work, I could picture myself practicing in my head. I brought the cords or song to work and "watched" my hands play. I was shocked when I finally did have a chance to pick up the guitar how easily I could do the exercises. I use my mediation time to visualize events I'd like to come true. When I wasn't feeling good I would picture myself running up mountains and jumping over fences in a single bound. I cannot describe the adrenaline and excitement I would feel inside. It was like I was really doing those things. It lifted my spirit and helped me get through the tough times. Now I use my mediation time to cultivate calm in stressful situation and to see my fingers typing out the pages of my book. You could spend just five quiet minutes a day focused on where you want your life to go. Those are very powerful minutes. A car won't go any direction but the way you steer it. Your life works the same way.

Product I'm discovering: Q-Link SRT-3 Nimbus

I love the smell and feeling of our clinic. Patients have even commented on how relaxed they feel as soon as they walk through the door. I attribute this to the incredible people that bring their calm and healing energy into the space every day. Recently we bought a Q-Link to protect that calm and healing environment. I can truly feel the difference and one of our massage therapists, Billy Kelley, used his EMF reader to see the clear reduction in EMFs. He found a couple other areas that are "hot spots" and we are buying a couple more to make sure each treatment room is protected. They are pricey, but for me they are worth it.

Quote I'm meditating: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

Book I'm reading: The Message of You: How to Inspire and Motivate Audiences by Judy Carter

I want to be a better storyteller. I want to make people laugh, cry, think and feel inspired. The Message of You has exercises that lead you step-by-step on how to take your story and make it compelling. It's important to sift out the irrelevant stuff and turn up the volume on the things that make you unique and interesting. We all have a story in us and every one of those stories is interesting. Well, they're interesting if you keep your audiences attention and evoke feeling. That's my goal.

Music I'm listening to: #SELFIE by The Chainsmokers

I laughed in 2014 when this came out and it still makes me and say out loud "Let me take a selfie." over and over.

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